教育经历 1997年-2001年,西安交通大学电子与信息科学学院,获学士学位; 2003年-2008年,新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院,计算机科学博士; 研究工作经历 2001年-2003年,西北有色地质研究院,遥感所,助理研究员 2003年-2008年,新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院,助研 2008年-2009年,新加坡国立大学计算机学院,博士后研究员 2009年-2010年,美国匹兹堡大学医学中心,顾问,研究技术员 2011年-2012年,知识产权顾问 2012年3月-,日博体育注册,副教授 科研成果 发表论文: . Can Fang, Peng Zhang, Cheng Fu, and Zili Zhang "Coverage Enhancement by Using the Mobility of Mobile Sensor Nodes", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2012. . Can Fang, David Brokl, Randall E Brand, and Yang Liu, "A Depth selective Fiber optic Probe for Characterization of Superficial Tissue at A Constant Physical Depth", Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 2, Issue 4, April, 2011. . Can Fang, Peng Zhang and Cheng Fu, "Multi-covered Path in Wireless Sensor Networks", Telecommunication Systems, 2012. . Can Fang, Yang liu and David Brokl, "Determination of Absorber Concentration in Turbid Media Free From Scattering Complications", SPIE Photonics West 2011 . Can Fang and Chor Ping Low, "A Unified Framework For Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment", in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2008, USA, 2008 . Chor Ping Low, Can Fang, Jim Mee Ng and Yew Hock Ang "Efficient Load-Balanced Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks", Computer Communications, issue 4, March, 2008 . Can Fang and Chor Ping Low, "A Flexible Wavelength Converter Placement Scheme for Guaranteed Wavelength Usage", Journal of Communications (JCM). issue 1, 2007 . Can Fang and Chor Ping Low, "Redundant Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2007, Scotland, June, 2007 . Chor Ping Low and Can Fang, "Load-Balanced Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2007, Scotland, June. 2007 . Can Fang and Chor Ping Low, "Optimal Wavelength Converter Placement with Guaranteed Wavelength Usage", in Proceedings of IFIP Networking 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, May. 2006 . Can Fang and Chor Ping Low, "Efficient Algorithms for The Load-Balanced Demand Point Assignment Problem", in Proceedings of IEEE ICON 2004, Singapore, 2004.