
发布时间:2016-04-28 来源:本站原创 作者:本站编辑   浏览次数:

姓名:范子川 性别:
学历:博士 职称:讲师
部门:自动化系 电话:

2010.9-2015.12 北京航空航天大学,自动化学院,机械电子工程系 工学博士
2014.1-2015.1 爱尔兰国立科克大学,工程学院,电气电子系 访问博士
2006.9-2010.7 北京航空航天大学 高等工程学院,自动化专业 工学学士

[1] Zichuan Fan*, maolin Cai, haihui Wang, An improved denoising algorithm based on wavelet transform modulus maxima for non-intrusive measurement signals, measurement science and technology 2012 (23) 045007.
[2] Zichuan Fan*, maolin Cai, weiqing Xu, Non-invasive and non-intrusive gas flow measurement based on the dynamic thermal characteristics of a pipeline, measurement science and technology 2012 (23) 105303.
[3] Zichuan Fan, Wentao Jiang, Maolin Cai, William M D Wright*, The effects of air gap reflections during air-coupled leaky Lamb wave inspection of thin plates, Ultrasonics 2016 (65) 282-295.
[4] Weiqing Xu, Zichuan Fan*, Maolin Cai, Yan Shi, Xiaomeng Tong, Junpeng Sun, Soft sensing method of LS-SVM using temperature time series for gas flow measurements, Metrology and measurement systems, 2015(3) 383-392.
[5] Pingping Liao*, Maolin Cai, Yan Shi, Zichuan Fan, Compressed air leak detection based on time delay estimation using a portable multi-sensor ultrasonic detector, measurement science and technology 2013(24) 055102.
[6] Qihui Yu, Maolin Cai, Yan Shi*, Zichuan Fan, Energy efficiency optimization of the piston compressed air engine, Strojni?ki vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014 (60), 395-406.
[7] Zichuan Fan*, Yan Shi, Junpeng Sun, Maolin Cai, A review of Energy Saving Technology on Compressed Air System, Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE, 7880-7885 (Best paper award) (EI)
[8] Chong Liu*, Dewen Kong, Zichuan Fan Qihui Yu, Maolin Cai, Large flow compressed air load forecasting based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine within the Bayesian evidence framework, Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE, 7886-7891 (EI)

[1] 一种可抗环境温度干扰的管外捆绑式热脉冲气体流量计,发明专利号:ZL201210003187.1
[2] 一种基于非介入热式动态测量原理的流量计助手,发明专利号:ZL201110341611.9
[3] 一种工业气体管道非介入式流量测量装置,发明专利号:ZL201110009809.7

[1] 2013年中国机械工业科学技术奖一等奖 (省部级,排名5/15)
[2] 2013年IEEE工业电子学会第39届年会, 分会场最佳论文
[3] 2013年北京航空航天大学研究生十佳提名奖(前20)
[4] 2012年, 2013年北京航空航天大学研究生发表优秀学术论文奖(5%)
[5] 2012年博士研究生国家奖学金(教育部,4%)
[6] 2009年美国大学生数学建模大赛 一等奖 (国际,18%)
